- Calcium
- An ion that lowers mash/wort pH.
- Cane Sugar
- Sucrose obtained
from sugar cane.
Caramel Malt
- A sweet, coppery malt which imparts both color and flavor
to beer. Gives a golden color and a nutlike flavor to beer. Used frequently
in darker ales. Also called crystal malt.
- Carbon Filtration
- In homebrewing, the dechlorination of a water source by
use of a carbon filter.
- Carbonate
- To inject or dissolve carbon dioxide gas in beer.
- Carbonation
- (1) Carbon dioxide gas dissolved in a liquid. (2) The
process of dissolving carbon dioxide gas in a liquid.
- Carboy
- 5 or 6-1/2 gallon glass bottle with a narrow opening on
top. Properly cleaned, carboys can be used as primary or secondary fermenters.
- Cask Ale
- Ale conditioned in the cask -- unpasteurized draft ale
which completes its maturation in the pub cellar as opposed to pasteurized,
filtered and chilled kegged ale. Served at room temperature.
- Cask Conditioned/Bottle Conditioned
- Beer with the yeast left in the brew to complete the fermentation
in the cask or bottle.
- Chill haze
- Cloudiness in the beer from coagulated protiens.
- Chloride
- An ion that imparts a sweet finish to beer.
- Chlorine
- Can be used as a sterilizing agent in homebrewing.
- Chlorophenols
- Theese contribute an unpleasant taste and smell.Contributed to chlorine
based cleaners.
- Chocolate Malt
- Similar to black malt but roasted to a lesser, chocolate-brown
- Cistern
- A vat in which brewers' grain is soaked.
- Clean
- A fresh impression with a good balance between the various
- Cloudiness
- A condition not normal for beer except in bottled beer
where yeast is added at bottling. This brewing practice adds additional
fermentation and depth of character.
Cold Break
- The precipitation of protein and tannin material to a
fine coagulum during the cooling stage. Also: Haziness caused by protein
matter which must be strained after the cooling process.
- Conditioning
- The process of carbonating beer.
- Conditioning Tank
- An airtight tank in which a beer's secondary fermentation
- Cooling
- The wort is cooled to the desired temperature for starting
fermentation in a holding tank or whirlpool.
- Copper
- An ion that is a vital yeast nutrient at low levels but
that can poison yeast at high levels.
- Craft Beers
- Beers made by small, independent brewers with only traditional
brewing ingredients such as malt, hops, yeast and water, and brewed with
traditional brewing methods.
- Cream Ale
- An American style, blending pale golden, mild, light-bodied
ale and lager. Priming with DME is another way to achieve this texture.
- Crisp
- When all taste characteristics are well-defined, a beer is said to
be in balance.
- Crystal Malt
- Synonym for caramel
- Curing
- The last step in floor malting, when the grain is heated to fully develop flavor and color.